Embrace: The Ultimate Sex Game
Playing the game encourages you to reveal those innermost thoughts.
Thoughts you've maybe been wanting to share. but were nervous or
shy about telling your partner. And you're given erotic challenges, like
‘blindfold your partner and lick them allover. I liked the game. I think it
could help deepen a couple's intimacy - and thats always desirable."
The Sunday Night Sex Show
Embrace: The Ultimate Sex Game" is a sensually stimulating board game for lovers. Players move throughout the board revealing sexually
intimate thoughts and feelings, and performing erotic challenges with one another. "Embrace" can be played on three different levels: Roman-
tic (Lovey Dovey), Sexual Intimacy (Close Encounters), and/or Hot Sex (Sexstacy).
This critically acclaimed adult board game also includes interactive truth and dare squares which allow couples to be as naughty or as nice as
they choose. The soft and subtle feather tickler and luscious blindfold/restraint put players into new erotic sensory experiences. To win, a
player must land on the ‘Embrace’ square, which then entitles that player to a sensual treat that both players can enjoy.
The Game Includes:
6 Playing Pieces 50 ‘Lovey Dovey’ Question Cards
1 Die 25 ‘Lovey Dovey’ Challenge Cards
1 Feather Tickler 50 ‘Close Encounters’ Question Cards
1 Blindfold/Restraint 25 ‘Close Encounters’ Challenge Cards
1 Truth or Dare Cheat Sheet 50 ‘Sexstacy’ Question Cards
1 Instruction Booklet 25 ‘Sexstacy’ Challenge Cards
30 ‘Embrace’ Cards 6 Pass Cards